Skin and Wellness Centre

The Skin and Wellness Centre is committed to providing you with the highest standard of medical-grade skincare using the latest available technologies. Our goal is to support anyone struggling with their skin by reorienting and simplifying their routine, and taking the guesswork out of achieving your natural potential. Healthy skin is attainable for everyone.

By using an array of cutting edge technology in adaptive modalities, our medical-grade skincare treatments restore the health of your skin. Book a free skincare consultation with one of our Master Estheticians to evaluate your skincare needs.

Wellness Facial

This facial includes a double cleanse, enzymatic exfoliation, hot towel, extractions, specialized mask, and LED light therapy. The facial ends with a nutrient-rich serum massage.

-Wellness Facial $175.00 One Session 



Featured on the red carpet to and favored by celebrities, our most effective and complete service is a combination of Radio Frequency, MyoLight (Microcurrent and integrated LED Light Therapy), Microdermabrasion, Biosonix (Ultrasound and integrated LED Light Therapy), Myosonix (Microcurrent and Ultrasound combined), Negative Pressure Pressure Therapy and Thermatone, making for a truly extravagant facial experience. Ninety minutes.

-Oxylight $400.00 One Session 

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Laser Skin Treatments

Our Aerolase laser is unique in the field of esthetic medicine. It is safe for all skin types and pain-free, using a gentle pulse technology to treat acne, age and sun spots, pigmented lesions, spider-veins, telangietasias, cherry angiomas, skin tags, rosacea, psoriasis, pseudofolliculitis barbae (ingrown hairs), and overall skin rejuvenation. Our Aerolase facials include cleansing, exfoliation, laser treatment and custom serums; finished with moisturizer and SPF.

-Laser Skin Rejuvenation  $275.00 One Session

-Acne Laser Treatment $295.00 One Session

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A minimally invasive treatment which uses nutrient rich serums and tiny needles to create microchannels into the skin stimulating collagen and elastin. Reduces acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, and the appearance of large pores and stretch marks. Includes Oxylight LED therapy. 60 minutes

-Microneedling One session $400
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Biologique Recherche

Biologique Recherche has nearly 40 years of experience developing the most powerful products and methodologies that revive, repair and protect the skin. Their products are made using highly concentrated, raw and active ingredients which allow for immediate long, lasting results. Think real, luxury skincare. Learn More

Chemical Peels

PCA Chemical Peels
PCA chemical peels adapted to your skin type addressing the deeper underlying causes of your skin’s appearance. Includes a post peel kit to aid in the rejuvenation process. Minimal to medium downtime.
One Session $180
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VI Peels
Well-known and highly regarded medium depth chemical peel to address a diverse array of skin concerns. Some downtime expected.
One session $300+
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Perfect Derma Peel
The Perfect Derma™ Peel is safe, effective medium depth peel for All Skin Types & Ethnicities. This product is virtually painless, with no pre-peel skin preparation and little downtime. The Perfect Derma™ Peel is the only peel that includes the powerful anti-oxidant Glutathione, which lightens and brightens the skin, slows down the aging process and helps prevent wrinkles.
One Session $375+
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